I think that every university student think the
same that I will to say; the most important exam of our lives is the PSU. If you
are prepared or not, the PSU is the most terrible test that you Do Ever!.
I think that its happened because all people
that you know said the same Fucking Shit!,“you
need to prepare the PSU”, “you need study in the university”, “you need have a career”,
and “this is for your future”.
The society said you, and remember the
relevance! of the PSU, and all of your friends are in the same situation!, everyone
waiting the day to go to the school and make the most important test of your
life. Is impossible don’t feel panic!
I remember that in the day of the test I was
nervous, when I wake up in my bed. Later meanwhile I walked to the school I feel
fear. When I enter to the room and I set in my chair, and I see the exam on my
table, I feel panic and many of many classmates too. I’m sure of that.
Anyway the exam was not so terrible, I finish
in time and I answer only the questions that I know. Anything
strange happened, how i can't remeber. Except that after the test, me and some of my
friends get to Intercomunal La Reina Park were it`s organized a party post PSU
with all schools of Santiago. You can imagine the concentration of
drink people are there.
For lucky I could be past the time with my friend...I hope to see her again...some day