May 04, 2012

The return of the King

Uuff is really difficult speak about movies to me, are so many movies that I saw in my life that I can’t take a choice about what is better or not. However in the cinema I can remember a movie that I saw when I was a child. The movie is The Lord of the Rings: The return of the king. I saw before the two first movies in my house, I was fascinated with the history about the ring, and I can’t wait the premiere of the video release of this movie.

I was around fourteen years old when I went with my cousin and my uncle to see this movie. Many of the films that I see in the cinema I saw in the Cinemark in the mall plaza Vespucio, and there movie, are not the exception. I remember that it was the first time that I hear the people acclaiming inside the cinema!! I remember to a specific scene in the movie when an enormous group of horseman arrives to help to army in a terrible battle. I think that this must be one of the better scenes in the history of film world.  Actually I remember me in my seat, trembling with emotion. Ok maybe not so much.  


  1. Take a listen

  2. Of course! from the hobbit to the Silmarillion, i'm a nerd!! xD
    ahh and good Songs!!

  3. Hi seba,
    the return of the king, great movie. advisable
